Monday, July 13, 2009

On Motherhood

Motherhood is a gift. It has enabled me to provide unconditional love. It has made me complete as a woman. It has made me a better person. I am simply amazed how God wonderfully engineered a woman’s body to bear a child and to bring him to the world as a priceless present. Being able to successfully deliver our baby to the world, I am truly honored and privileged to have received such blessing.

I could never forget the experience of giving birth to our first born on May 1, 2009. Though hearing my baby’s first cry marked the reality of my being a mother, it has not yet fully dawned on me that I am already one; yes, until now! Perhaps the feeling of being a new mother just overwhelms me. I am adjusting to my new role. It was hard at first but I am learning the routine of feeding, changing diaper, bathing, bestowing touch therapy, giving vitamins, visiting Pedia, and so on. Eventhough my day is literally consumed of those routines, I see myself enjoying the new things I do. In my almost three months as a mom, I will rate myself the lowest on the scale because I am still a work in progress. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. Every single “mom day” for me is a challenge sans the extravagant material reward. Despite that, I still get the grandest reward when my little angel flashes me a toothless grin. It inspires me to be better. It also sets as affirmation that what I did for him satisfied him and made him happy. No material thing could ever match the fulfillment I get from his innocent expression.


aceychan said...

what a lovely post.

Unknown said...

i loved this post... i am going to be a mom soon and i would want to experience this soon ;)